How to shop

Welcome to shopping online with
MC Maju & Tiara Maju Foods

How to shop at

  1. 1. Go to
  2. 2. Select products and put in your cart.
  3. 3. In your cart page, there is a “Notes area” at the bottom, you may:
    1. **Inform us specific the item's required weight.**
    2. - Applies to items which have the word “per kg” in the name.
    3. -Due to weighted items we will confirm and price will be adjusted upon confirmation of sale.
    4. **Give us instructions e.g. cut sliced, cubed, steak.**
    5. - Example: I want to purchase a whole salmon & I want it cut steak.
    6. - Information required  = Whole salmon <4.5kg cut steak.
    7. 4. Click “Check out”
    8. 5. Fill in contact details & delivery address.
    9. 6. Choose payment method.
    10. 7. Submit.
    11. 8. Wait for Whatsapp/email to confirm all details (ordered items, price, total amount, delivery).
    12. 9. After you agree, pay via COD or bank transfer (Screenshot required).
    13. 10. Delivery details and cut off times are as below
    14. ****KB area delivery days- Monday to Saturday. (Sundays Closed)
    15. ****BSB/Tutong area delivery days - Monday to Saturday (Saturday mornings only & Sundays NO delivery available)
